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ISIS Serves US Foreign Policy: “Islamophobia” Industry Feeds War Abroad, Grows Police State at Home

It’s real simple. Create a threat, predicate expanding autocracy at home and endless wars of hegemony abroad upon confronting that threat, and all the while intentionally perpetuate fear, hysteria, hatred, and division to keep that threat relevant in the hearts and minds of as many people as possible. - 26 March 2016, Global Research

Described above is an elementary tactic used by special interests throughout human history, and today’s special interests being no exception. Today, the contrived threat of choice is “terrorism.” It is a well-documented fact that organizations like Al Qaeda and the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS), are creations and geopolitical tools of the United States, its European allies, and its Middle Eastern subordinates, including Turkey and the Persian Gulf states.

The means of keeping this contrived threat fresh in the minds of the public is Islamophobia – the scapegoating of some 1.6 billion Muslims around the world for the deeds of US-Saudi indoctrinated, armed, funded, and backed extremists.

The role the United States and Saudi Arabia played in the inception of Al Qaeda during the 1980′s to wage proxy war on the Soviet Union in Afghanistan is documented history. What is less widely known, is the role these same two nations played in the creation of ISIS -which admittedly branched off from Al Qaeda.

Read the full article here.