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The Met Police’s gang database is ‘ineffective’, ‘humiliating’ and racist

A new report by police accountability coalition StopWatch blasts the Metropolitan Police Service’s (MPS) racialised gangs database as “draconian” and counterproductive. - Mohamed Elmaazi, The Canary; 24 September 2018

In a statement, chief executive of StopWatch Katrina Ffrench said: "Not only is the Matrix completely ineffective at combating the crime it claims to want to tackle, our research suggests it makes crime more likely."

The MPS database is called the Gangs Matrix and was formed in 2012 following the London riots.

The report, Being Matrixed: The (Over)Policing of Gang Suspects in London, tracks the lived experiences of 15 people aged 17-32 on the database.

Read more here.