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State Repression and the Struggle for Self-determination: Strategies for Resistance

Cases of Turkey & Kurds; Pakistan & Baloch; Spain & Basques; Sri Lanka & Tamils

Videos and a report of a seminar organised by Campacc and others on 18 March 2012.

Nearly 80 activists came together to share experiences about state repression against the various struggles for self-determination in which they are involved. Strategies that provide ideological justification for repression include the global ‘war on terror’, ‘national security’ and proscription. Support comes from national contexts and international networks, especially involving the US, the UK, the EU and the UN Security Council. Together these forces underpin the current global agenda suppressing and delegitimizing struggles for self-determination. The seminar addressed common strategies for resisting repression and for strengthening solidarity across nationalities in the common struggle for a more just world.

Briefings on the four national cases are available here

Opening by Saleh Mamon and Introduction by Les Levidow

Tamil speakers
Jan Jananayagam,
Sivakami Manoharan,

Kurdish speakers
Ali Has,
Mehmet Aksoy,

Baluch speakers
Shahzavar Karimzadi,
Hyrbyair Marri,

Basque speaker
Oier Imaz,

Sindhi speaker
Lakhu Lohana,

Final session
At the final session there were proposals for several activities and common demands.

These proposals remain to be developed through further discussion and joint action.


  • Organise a travelling roadshow of speakers from migrant communities being targeted by anti-terror laws. Include all possible venues and platforms, e.g. community centres, trade union centres, universities, etc.
  • Persuade NGOs to oppose use of anti-terror laws and to support the right of national self-determination.
  • De-isolate resistances of various communities across countries through solidarity activity.
  • Use the knowledge and experience of migrant communities in building alternative futures.
  • Learn from the experience of Palestinians in building international solidarity activity.
  • To organise an international solidarity day, promoting the demands below.


  • Recognise the right of national self-determination, e.g. by the Baloch, Kurds, Tamils, Basques, Sikhs, etc.
  • Lift the UK ban on organisations promoting the right of national self-determination.
  • Oppose any prosecution or deportation based on ‘anti-terror’ laws.
  • Stop deportations of refugees to oppressive regimes.
  • Deny war-criminal suspects the benefit of UK rules on diplomatic immunity (e.g. at the Sri Lanka High Commission).
  • Build solidarity with political prisoners and human rights defenders.
Organisers: CAMPACC in association with Kurdish Federation UK, Friends of the Basque Country (London), The Abertzale Left, Tamil Youth Organisation (TYO), Tamils Against Genocide (TAG), International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons, World Sindhi Congress, Balochistan National Movement (Baloch Raaji Zrombesh), International Committee Against Disappearances (ICAD), Liberation & Peace in Kurdistan Campaign