Big Brother

ISBN: 187358672-8
Iris scans... DNA databases... the National Identity Register... facial recognition systems... numberplate tracking...
Isn’t the Surveillance State getting a bit out of hand ?
Kids in prison... curfews... ASBOs handed out for doing things that aren’t against the law... people stuck in house arrest without charge or trial... refugees deported for their beliefs, facing torture and execution... anti-terrorism legislation being used to target pacifists...
It’s all a bit worrying, if you think about it...
A race to the bottom in public standards... tabloid editors dictating the political agenda... The War on Terror - a self-perpetuating war without end...
Maybe George Orwell was on to something ?
What you need is a bit of escapism. A bit of light relief. A comic, perhaps ? Read on...
Kate Evans has been at the cutting edge of political cartooning for the past decade. She is uniquely talented at developing concise, incisive comic analyses of dense, theoretical texts. Her work is punchy, provocative and visually stunning. Previous titles include Copse; the Cartoon Book of Tree Protesting and Funny Weather: Everything You Didn’t Want to Know About Climate Change But Probably Should Find Out. For further information about Kate's work see
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