Detainees and control orders


Urge your MP to sign the Secret Evidence EDM

Untitled document

The secret evidence Early Day Motion has now been tabled and is available for MPs to sign. The EDM calls on the Government to bring about an independent review into the use of secret evidence in UK courts.

Untitled document

The text of the EDM is below and this is a link to the electronic version:

EDM 1308
Abbott, Diane

That this House believes the use of secret evidence in UK courts is fundamentally wrong; notes that secret evidence is evidence held by the Home Office against an individual that neither the individual, nor their legal representation, may see; further notes that in recent cases secret evidence has been used to detain individuals in prison for up to three years without charge or trial; further notes that these individuals may also be put under a control order or severe bail conditions, greatly limiting their movements and ability to lead a healthy life; believes that the use of secret evidence by the state against individuals runs entirely contrary to Habeas Corpus; recognises the European Court of Human Rights' ruling that detaining individuals on the basis of secret evidence is unlawful because detainees had not been able to effectively challenge the allegations against them; and calls on the Government to begin an immediate independent review into the use of evidence that is not ever heard by the defendant or their lawyer but which is used to justify indefinite detention, severe bail conditions or control orders.

Binyam Mohamed challenges secret evidence ruling