CAMPACC statements, press releases...


CAMPACC Submission to the Joint Committee for Human Rights on the Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc. Bill

CAMPACC argues for an end to the control of every aspect of the finances of those subject to freezing orders. Based on nothing other than Treasury's 'suspicion' that they may be involved in Terrorism, CAMPACC outlines the draconian effects of this administrative punishment. Read the submission

From the CAMPACC submission:

In sum, the current powers of asset-freezing inflict punishment without trial, violating the basic rules of due process. Why is this happening? Not an isolated example, the above case points to a systemic practice designed to intimidate and punish. We have received anecdotal evidence that such impacts – harassment, poverty and mental trauma – are commonplace among those who have been designated.

Individuals and families are given no reasons for why they are under order. Nor do they have any viable prospect to challenge the orders. This contributes to a sustained emotional and physical state of siege, where the system provides every indication that the orders could continue indefinitely without real accountability. The families we consulted have justifiably lost any hope for pursuing justice in the UK legal system.

Moreover, in practice freezing orders in effect prohibit controlled persons from communicating with the public or the press about their persecution. This effect typifies dictatorships. It contributes nothing to the supposed aim of preventing terrorism. By silencing its victims, the state conceals its systematic punishment without trial under the pretext of ‘anti-terror’ powers. The extra asset-freezing powers in the Bill would extend current injustices and so should be rejected. Instead the current regime should be held accountable for its injustices.